
If there is anything life keeps teaching me, it is this: My way is not the best way.

See, the reason I keep discovering this is because I keep trying my way, and it turns out it sucks. (am I allowed to say that s word?)

Now, admittedly, you could claim I'm just a crappy decision-maker (which is often true)...but I truly believe the real reason things keep turning into crappy situations is because I'm following my way rather than God's way.

Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it. Luke 11:28

I'm now convinced, through life experience, that when I follow what God tells me to do that life is so extremely ultimately mega super better. It's blessed. It just feels better. And I think it feels better because it is right.

So, rather than choosing our ways (I had to put this picture in here):

Let's begin following God's ways that He has beautifully set up and has been waiting, excitedly, for us to follow. First off, by making Him Lord of our lives.

Then, dive into the Bible and prayer. And follow. Obey.

If we mess up, let's not give up. But let's also not justify ourselves for messing up. Let's push to do this the best we can, because we want to honor our God and King the most we can.

Have a great, blessed week :)

What are you going to do this week? The decision is ours!



1 Comment


Knowing what God did for me makes me full of joy. Each day, I feel God makes me more and more aware of His Love in my life. I can’t help but want to share it with those who are closest to me, yet I often neglect to because my mind is so preoccupied with so many things. This week, choose to be different with me. Write a to-do list every day this week, and on it put “Share Christ”. And don’t go to bed until you do. Show Christ with your life and share Him with your mouth.
Have a GREAT Spring Break!
Sorry, I may seem a little tired in this video :) I was kinda tired after a long week of mid-terms!
The "I'm a pretty simple guy" Challenge!

I'm a pretty simple guy...I know what works for me and what doesn't.

I know that God speaks to me the most when I read His Word, and I believe He'll do the same for you. Watch the short video for more info on this quick challenge!!