
If there is anything life keeps teaching me, it is this: My way is not the best way.

See, the reason I keep discovering this is because I keep trying my way, and it turns out it sucks. (am I allowed to say that s word?)

Now, admittedly, you could claim I'm just a crappy decision-maker (which is often true)...but I truly believe the real reason things keep turning into crappy situations is because I'm following my way rather than God's way.

Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it. Luke 11:28

I'm now convinced, through life experience, that when I follow what God tells me to do that life is so extremely ultimately mega super better. It's blessed. It just feels better. And I think it feels better because it is right.

So, rather than choosing our ways (I had to put this picture in here):

Let's begin following God's ways that He has beautifully set up and has been waiting, excitedly, for us to follow. First off, by making Him Lord of our lives.

Then, dive into the Bible and prayer. And follow. Obey.

If we mess up, let's not give up. But let's also not justify ourselves for messing up. Let's push to do this the best we can, because we want to honor our God and King the most we can.

Have a great, blessed week :)

What are you going to do this week? The decision is ours!
3/29/2010 06:29:09 am

Our way is never the best way...we only get in the way, which keeps us from being on the way to a closer relationship with Christ

3/29/2010 08:59:59 am

Great way to put it Joe!!

Does anybody else have thoughts?

3/31/2010 07:27:05 am

GREAT point and SO TRUE! X O!!!

10/31/2010 05:03:34 pm

At New Year and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days

12/12/2010 03:52:03 pm

Somewhere in these calm waters!


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