Idle Part II
Note: I don't mean to come off in this post as hostile or offensive...I'm a victim of this as well. So, if my passion seems extreme then please don't take offense from me because remember - I have this challenge in life as well!

Our lives are short.

In Psalm 39:4-5 King David felt this urgency too as he wrote,

"LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
  Remind me that my days are numbered--
  how fleeting my life is.
 You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
  My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
  at best, each of us is but a breath." 

And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle…  1 Thessalonians 5:14

What we need to realize is the amazing reality that each second we live is another second off of our lives. Its statistics – the longer you live, the less time you have left.

Who knows? You may die this year, this month, today. That’s the honest truth…we need to stop living as if we won’t. Because it would be a sad day to wake up and see that we’ve lived a life just playing video games and watching TV. I used to spend so much time doing these things....then I realized just how much I was wasting away the time I have on this earth...

We don’t know when we are going to die. That’s why it is SO IMPORTANT to live each day in a way that matters – and by that I mean honoring GOD. It’s so easy for us to fall into lives of worshiping ourselves…

But with me, step up – stop being idle and apathetic which is often a result of a life being lived for us – and start living your life for the King who sent His Son to die for you – who took the nails in his hands and feet and a spear in his side as the punishment for your sins – in order to give you life. Why? Because He loves you.

We are all going to die some day. It’s inevitable. There are two things to think about in regards to death:  1) Who do I know and 2) What have I done.

1) Do I know Jesus Christ? - your salvation
2)      Have I made a difference in this world? - your legacy    

If we are going to be dying soon, we sure as heck need to know what we are coming to after death. I encourage you to step into GOD’s GRACE today. See your life – your sins – and believe that Jesus Christ died to set us free from those. And confess Him as LORD (from Greek: Kyrios: Owner, Master, Lord) of your life. God’s grace is too beautiful to not surrender. Admit your sins. Believe what He did. Confess HIM as LORD.

Not us as Lord..

And live lives that actually make a difference – in His Name! And…

“Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.” – James Dean

What step are you going to take today to step outside of being idle?
How are you going to be active In your your life?

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